
We're settling into some routines here. One of them involves going for morning coffee. There is a coffee machine of sorts in our apartment, but frankly it's not really worth engaging with it when you can get an excellent espresso in a cafe for less than 80p (7 kuna). We've tried a number of places, but Cafe Bar Kristina overlooking the market seems to be an emerging favourite. Lots of street action to watch. A female proprietor. Excellent coffee. What's not to like?

Other routines include foraging for food in the local green market, "Konzum" (supermarket), and shops, especially bakeries, for our various needs, such as bread, ham and cheese for breakfast, snacks for lunch, and then something for dinner. I'm going to cook tomorrow. Now that's an unusual event, and demonstrates that I must be relaxed!

Meanwhile, the skype that couldn't go ahead yesterday did go ahead this morning, and after that I read a book. Yep. I read a book. In fact, pretty much a whole book.

And my other books have arrived at the University, so as of tomorrow morning there will be lots of books to read. That's exciting, isn't it?

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