October Word Challenge .......

Day 22: Culture.

Even though it was miserable out I needed to do some errands.

On the way to the grocery store I stopped at this Byzantine Catholic Church for a few photos. As I was brought up in the Episcopal faith it is a culture I am not familiar with. All I know is that it's a beautiful church.

The Byzantine Catholic Church is the New Testament Church led by the Holy Spirit. The Byzantine Catholic Church traces its foundation to the 12 Apostles of Christ who were the companions of Jesus as he walked on this earth some 2000 years ago.

Byzantine Catholic churches are designed to manifest, or make present, in their architecture and arrangement, the presence of the Kingdom of God on Earth. The sanctuary, located behind an icon screen, manifests Heaven, the dwelling place of God. The Holy Table makes present, in a particular way, Heaven, and manifests the Lord’s banquet table to which all are called. On the Holy Table are placed the Book of Gospels and the Holy Gifts during the Divine Liturgy, and in the center of the table stands the tabernacle (artopohorion) containing the reserved Eucharist.

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