Stupendous Surprise

As you can see, it rained here today... this is South Parade, just round the corner from us. I guess the autumn leaves are blocking the drains.

We also hosted our first Marriage Course - went well - two lovely couples. But it was nerve-wracking before they arrived, wondering whether they'd like the dinner I'd made, and whether they'd feel at ease.

However, the huge news today, for which I unfortunately have no photo, but that I can now reveal, is that Deb and Zion, as well as Beth, are at this moment in our old house in Trapiá!!! (DOES deserve 3 exclamation points.) By some miracle, it managed to stay a secret from Paul and Julia. Ken took them in, and he carried Zion into where Ju was teaching a class and handed him to her - she started shaking - said her body knew it was Zion, but her mind couldn't make sense of it. Then Deb asked her to get a bag from the car, and there was Beth crouching in the back. The crowds started gathering - so much excitement. Apparently, Zion has been great, being passed round to everyone and smiling away.

(Apologies to those for whom this will make no sense - basically, our oldest daughter has surprised her brother and sister, by taking her 5 month son and a good friend to where we lived for many years, in rural NE Brazil.)

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