
By ztuzzer


Every waking moment is spent involved with stimuli. Over the course of a day our minds are constantly being bombarded by a stream of new information that consistently needs to be processed. Naturally, sleep is our action to detach ourselves from the world and dedicate our brain power to forming some sort of subconscious filing system. But it's not quite enough. Our minds require us to dissociate ourselves throughout the day too. Thus, we daydream - perhaps for me a bit too often.

I am someone who likes to keep my self occupied, but it's always important to dedicate yourself some breathing space - a while to ponder and fantasize. For me, and I think for most people, completing monotonous tasks are our opportunity to do so. As much as I procrastinate washing-up, when I do actually come round to doing it I find it quite therapeutic. It's nice to grant myself the opportunity to keep my body busy with some form of purposeful task whilst allowing my mind to wander. Having a beautiful view such as the one photographed here provides the ideal opportunity to have some distraction space and makes the washing up seem so much less of a choir.

Yet, in modern day society I feel daydreaming is too suppressed; seen as a negative which leads to distraction and associated with laziness. But in reality - and I guess I use that term lightly - Daydreaming is fundamental to realising your desires and achieving wish fulfillment. Daydreaming might not help you run the mill, but it sure as hell can make you realize how to own it. So don't get caught up in the man's machine and go do your washing up.

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