
I went out in the garden this morning to catch some bugs (Igor's still not speaking to me so it's a bit quiet indoors!!) preferably brightly coloured ones, maybe a ladybird.

I didn't find a ladybird but I quite quickly got three caterpillars and a lily beetle in my jam jar. I put the jar in the fridge and went off to do the ironing, clean the floors and make the lunch. It's hard work being a carer!!

As soon as Igor went down for his afternoon nap I got out my jam jar. The caterpillars had climbed to the lid and started to spin a thread and I guess if they'd been left any longer they would have started spinning cosy cocoons for the Winter which had suddenly arrived in their little jam jar world. I tipped them into a tray with some nasturtium leaves with a rosebud for colour and blipped away while the caterpillars wondered where the Winter had suddenly gone and the lily beetle wandered around the nasturtium leaves wondering why they weren't lily leaves.

Even when insects are still they're not still. They twitch a lot and they always seem to have at least one body part moving. Head or legs or antennae. Most of the many shots I took were blurred and useless. This is one of the better ones.

Oh and the reason for all this faffery? Because Chantler's challenge word for today is warning. All that insect colour is a warning to some other creature.

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