Journey Through Time

By Sue

Processed to Death

And I don't care. It was fun.

A very blustery day here today. Wind is causing havoc I'm sure. My Aunt Joan and I were at Clackamas Mall to pick up her new vacuum and as we were leaving, parked by the merchandise pick up door, a blast of wind whipped through and picked up the landscape bark across the street and threw it at us...pelting us as we were trying to get in the car. We had pieces of wood in our hair, in our clothes, all over the car seat and was insane. There is a large parking structure right there, and I think that the two buildings formed a sort of wind tunnel. Rain sputtering down here and there, but mostly a "wind event", as the weather people would say. The power blinked off and on while we were waiting for the vacuum also. It has not happened that we have lost power where we live due to weather, but it could happen.

Gotta go and fix our dinner and pop it in the oven.

Thanks for dropping by.

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