
By Inverculain

Sun dried

Salt cod being dried by the sun at Camara de Lobos.

Alternative pictures of it here and here. We were fed some of it on the flight here, in a salad with rocket - a very strong flavor, but delicious!

Also from today:
* One boat trip you can take from Funchal is in a replica of the Santa Maria. So you can pretend to be sailing with Columbus, as he pretended to discover America. (Which many Americans still pretend he did, too.)
* Two enormous cruise ships have pulled into the harbour at Funchal. This is looking across at one of them, through the masts of the boats in the marina. The sheer scale of these vessels is unbelievable - this only shows some of the cabins on one side. I liked how, though they're all the same, each cabin window seemed to reflect a different fragment of the harbourside view.
* Some HDR fun at Camara de lobos

Off into town for dinner. Hope you've all had a good weekend.

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