New Socks

One of Helen's Winter projects.She is full of cold so I volunteered to do the weekly shop.I have only done this once or twice over the last 28yrs and it is not a pleasant experience.Old people picking stuff up and putting it back again and young couples discussing every purchase all getting in my way!

Windy day so a bit of watering needed.Robert harvesting potatoes in front of our house so went to see how they were coming off.Decent tonnage but the price is low at the moment.Farming is a lonely and thankless job today.

I came across this poem by Philip Larkin which I thought very blip.

The daily things we do
For money or for fun
Can disappear like dew
Or harden and live on.
Strange reciprocity:
The circumstance we cause
In time gives rise to us,
Becomes our memory.

Sorry about putting poetry on blip.

Mild,overcast and windy.

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