
By weewilkie

aztec camera

Grey today. Dreich. The drains clogged with the colourful leaf carnage of autumn. The streets a-puddle. The sky moved battleship grey. Muted tones smearing everything.

I was a little early for work so walked down to the silver grey of the river. The cobblestone slipway shiny. The wee ferry boat tin grey.

All was a grey jungle. And it takes a lot for the mind to hack through and through the oppressive grey foliage ensnaring my step, my smoggy head making me grey blind.

Sometimes there was a clearance though. Like this image. A temple of the ancients I managed to stumble across and unearth deep in the aztec forests of grey within the city. It would have been impossible without the archeological tool I had with me: my camera, that could dig deep through the greyness of time and this wall to find a design of the ancient world. To pin prick the grey and let the centuries and ancient cultures hiss through to me in this moment like a punctured tyre deflating time and space.

Time to get to work.

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