
........And Pink

By the time I arrived home and was organised to take a photo for blip it was starting to rain.
Not wanting to get wet, (I’m off out very soon for the evening), I held the camera against the pergola post, zoomed my camera lens to the limit and photographed this rose bud.

This bud opens to pale pink and white – and with a beautiful perfume.
Last Friday, 24th October, this open bloom featured as my blip.

Wow, what can I say about the amazing response to yesterday’s MonoMonday blip for Texture.

The little bird nest was sitting in number two spot on the Spotlight page when I arrived home this afternoon. As I write this, it has mover to #1.

I really appreciate all the hearts and lovely comments. For the moment, I say a collective thank you until I can reply to you all individually.

For those of you waiting to see a colour version, I will upload that to my blipfolio tomorrow.

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