Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Policeman!!! Say What?

This morning I dropped off Liam early for school as he left on a field trip to take a tour of the UC Berkeley campus. While waiting to see his bus off, I was in the hall of their school and noticed this "When I grow up I want to be a...." type of note Liam made. Apparently, this year he has changed to wanting to be a Policeman when he grows up. AS IF I don't worry enough as it is, now I have to worry he's going to want to go around sporting a gun on his hip fighting criminals. Let's hope he changes his mind when next school year hits...or at least by the time he grows up! It's a very noble profession, but he's my little boy and if this is his choice some day I will have to have someone from NASA create a head-to-toe bulletproof armor. Very similar to when my boys start driving...I need a crash-proof vehicle designed. Anyone have any NASA connections for me?

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