the runner

Another grey, soul-less day.

I know I shouldn't complain, while some are building arks in Scotland. I even read of people waterskiing behind busses in Edinburgh. That was on Twitter, so it must be true.

Chilly as well here - only 7°. Better than -7° of course. That's next month, or next week depending on whether the glass is half full or half empty.

Once it starts getting dark at 5pm, I start to get gloomy too. February and longer days is a long way off.

I went out for a walk mid afternoon, and that was enjoyable. The Blip is just a runner who passed me - you may have to go large to see properly. I miss running. Two years ago I was able to run 5 miles comfortably and the same again next day (followed by 5 days of recovery).

Then my Achilles tendon started acting up. Then my blood pressure. They're both under control now, but after a 2 year gap (and at my age) I'm not sure about starting to run again.

Well, you never know.

PS - that's the Audi HQ and manufacturing plant in the background. They're always building something new - and I don't mean just cars.

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