Flag lady - Coquitlam, Canada

Camera Seventeen

"I was so excited to be part of this project! I have to admit that I sat on it for a few days...but you're right in that it's best not to dip your feet in cold water, but just JUMP! So jump I did today.

I'm always curious about flag ladies, and secretly wanted to be one (for fun!), as the STOP sign commands so much authority. There's so much construction work going on around town in the summer season that we're bound to run into a few every day. They are the perfect strangers - ones who you see all the time, but ones who you won't stop to say hello to. So naturally when I stopped to say hi to one today, I was rather nervous...

Too bad it's been overcast lately, so the light is a bit flat. I never worked with an Ilford before, so I'm just hoping I didn't screw it up!"

Stranger by: SilverPritt

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