My Best Efforts - Year 3



...........about as the wind gets up this afternoon. The day started mild and sunny but by about 2.30pm the clouds rolled in and the sun very nearly vanished.

I'm not sure what sort of tree this is - difficult to tell from a distance - but it could well be a Silver-leaved poplar trees - ( Populus alba ) - deriving their name from the silvery look of the underside of their foliage (the top of the leaf is dark green).

Whatever it is - I liked it - and even better in black and white!

The day started bright and sunny as I have already said but has gone down rapidly as time has passed - it's really gloomy now but very mild - 64Deg.F. - and the wind has got up.

I was SO pleased when I awoke to sun - as Anni is in London on a combination of work and pleasure. She particularly wanted to see all the poppies at the Tower and perhaps to go up the Shard. She was up and about well before 6.0am, travelled from her Hotel on the Emirates Cable Car and even then there were folk milling around with cameras. The Shard was impossible - she could have been queuing for hours - had forgotten about school half term hols!

As she said, the poppies were her main priority as they won't be there for long whereas - unless it collapses! - the Shard will be there another time.

Different pills from the Doc for my bad leg - side effects look pretty horrendous if they don't suit - so am keeping everything crossed very tightly! Acupuncture on Friday!

Hope you have had a lovely day.

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