
Overnight rains broke to scattered showers which caught me on the wander up the hill with the woofers. We arrived home, damp, shortly after my beautiful girl returned from her overnight shift. We have been like ships in the night since Sunday and it is good to know that there are no more overnight shifts for a wee while. The dogs were as delighted to see her as I was.
After a quick coffee, I headed off to continue scrabbling around under the floor of the house I am working in at the moment. Hopefully tomorrow will see the end of most of the underfloor scrabbling - a fair bit of progress has been made today.
Photographic inspiration for the October word challenge of "pattern" has been a bit hard to come by today. There is not much in the way of patterns in the dust and dirt under a floor, so I am making do with a little bit of the full sleeve dotwork tattoo I have. My fabulous, wonderful and amazing friend Fongy Finxster, the Demon Inkster stabbed me lots to make these beautiful patterns, all of it free hand. Apparently it was revenge for years of mickey taking by me, but she didn't manage to make me scream. Fanks Fongy, you is a star.
Now, recumbant on the couch I am having a well deserved glass of wine whilst the home made pizza suppurates in the oven....

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