
By Peteyo

Miracle Man

(photo on phone taken on New Years Eve last year)

Tonight my friend Gavin (right) and I went to visit a buddy of ours Josh (middle), who had recently been in a pretty serious accident. Without going into too many details out of respect for his and his family's privacy, I just wanted to share how happy we were to get to see him. He has made some absolutely INCREDIBLE progress that has shocked doctors, friends, and family. It was such a reassuring feeling tonight being able to talk to him in person and see how after such a severe accident he still has the same positive and comedic attitude towards everything. You truly are an inspiration Josh. We are all very proud of you for being such the strong fighter you are. Take each day at a time and continue to kick its ass with your positive attitude. You were obviously meant to live a much longer life. Just keep swimming buddy! Great to see you tonight!

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