
By ninniex

I wish you could smell this!!

The entire back garden is covered with star jasmine and the perfume is so, so strong! I love it! The driver says it gives him a headache/hayfever. (Take a pill I say ;)
(And I know the umbrella is not in the centre - it bothers me too)
I just had to have this as part of my journal because a) its flowered very early, and b)it's just so prolific this year!!

I was going to head to the beach to try and capture the storm that may cross the coast a bit later, but the thought of the 5.00 o'clock traffic was enough to deter me.

Thank you all for your lovely comments over the past couple of days when I was feeling so yuck. All better now! I had made a cake by 7.30 this morning :)

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