
By lyndylooloo

I have often walked, down this street before...

This is Woburn Walk in London. It reminds me of a scene from 'My Fair Lady' and I always hum the tune to myself as I turn the corner to walk down to my friends house down here.

We've been to see the poppies today. We saw Big Ben and Miniman had his photo taken with a policeman outside. Then we had lunch with Aunty P at a cafe on this walk before getting on a double decker to Camden and on to the zoo.

It's been a fab day out and now we're watching cebeebies for ten minutes before we leave P's for the station to go home. I can only hope we get a seat this time as I stood all the way here. Miniman sat on the floor. How come trains are either full to bursting or empty? Whatever the case I think we'll be ready for bed tonight!

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