
By cowgirl

The Firth of Forth

We saved a visit to the Bridges for today as the weather report was the best of our trip. We spent quite a while here, driving from one side to the other to find the best places for photographs. The bridge behind me is the one that carries trains over the Firth of Forth ( on the east coast of Scotland, close to Edinburgh, for those who are not familiar with the area ). Out of shot on the other side of me is the bridge for cars, and after that one, they are in the process of constructing another bridge to cope with the volume of traffic.

After over three hours here, we quickly bought some Scottish themed gifts for our animal sitters and reluctantly set off back to England.

The gods were not so keen for us to leave however, as we have been stuck in a few traffic jams on the motorway. According to the satnav it should take us 5 hours to get to my mums in Staffordshire. It's already taken us 5 hours to get to this service station in the north of England ( that I'm using the wifi of ) with still another 2+1/2 hours to go and yet more road works ( we've heard on the radio ).

This is a slightly upmarket services, farm shop services they're called, and the food is lovely! I'm now quite replete with a ratatouille hotpot warming my tummy, a despite my best efforts will probably fall asleep on the next leg of the journey. I feel bad leaving Sav to concentrate alone, but what can I do?!

Normal service should resume by the weekend and I should be able to catch up with your journals. See you soon!

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