The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


We have had two consecutive mornings with brilliant sunrises, heralding very different days. Yesterday's promising dawn turned into a day of rain, and stair rod rain at lunchtime when Gus and Rowan were having their walks. Today's though became a beautiful blue-sky day. I was just a little late getting above the trees to see either at their best, and A told me that yesterday when she was waiting for the train at Grange station, the sunrise over Arnside Knott with reflections in the Kent estuary was surreally beautiful.

On top of the Knott this morning there was the first ground frost of the season. There was a lot of bird activity. I have been worrying why I have seen so few sparrowhawks this year, then on my way up the hill I saw two. There are fewer redwings now than there were two weeks ago when every yew tree seemed to have a few gorging on the berries. Most now seem to have moved on, though much fruit remains for later in the season, and perhaps for the waxwings if they come this winter.

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