Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

A pink rose bud!! :)

OH MY DAYS! - What an emotional and beautiful couple of days it's been - can you feel my heart beating!!!

Mini Lupes (name to be confirmed) came into the world yesterday at 8.09 pm weighing a very cuddly 8lb 13oz bless her adorable little soul:) xxxx She's had all her checks and she's perfect!! :) (I was convinced they were having a little boy - oh what do I know!!!)

Mum was just amazing - and she said Joe did a brilliant job in supporting her throughout - although he did faint during placenta delivery and had to lay down on the bed next to his girls - oh Joe!!!! xx

Joe was allowed to stay in hospital overnight with them, they even had a double bed - how times have changed - but how beautiful that the 3 of them spent their first night together.

I plan to visit soon - oh my arms are aching!!!

Thank you so much for your heartfelt wishes - the specialness of blip:) xxxx

As for being a Granny - hmmmmm I need a cool Granny name……

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