Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Near Lamington

The Clyde River, across the way from Roberton in Lanarkshire, is where Danny and Luke spent many a happy summer swimming; one year they played around on a blow-up plastic boat until it eventually gave in to rough handling and developed a leak.
The boys also proved themselves to be excellent and hard working shepherds at very young ages and spent much time up in the hills, sometimes on quad bikes.
Today, after carrying around with me from house to house for seven long years Dans ashes in a purple plastic jar, Donald and I went to the Clyde and emptied the jars contents; a lot fell on my rain dampened camera and face adhering like pebbledash. When the jar was almost emptied I asked Donald if he would climb the barbed fence to the waters edge and let Dan be cast on the Clyde to travel with it on it's journey towards Glasgow as he did so some landed in his eyes but his tears washed it away almost as quickly.

With the beautiful Autumnal journey there and back it was a day to stay in my memory for a long time, I hope.

Later the lads and I went to Kays where she had made us a wonderful meal and entertained us delightfully.

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