Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Hontid Carsl

Another one of Orla's artworks. The picture's not too clear because it's drawn in pencil, but I wanted to record it for posterity. I find it fascinating when she attempts to spell words to see what she comes up with. Not sure I would have ventured in here, given that it says "Hontid Carsl" and has a picture of a ghost above the door. To the right of the doors are two keystones, they are for unlocking the doors. The person going "aaa aaa aaa" was unfortunate enough to stand on a pressure plate which sprung a trap, dropping a cage on to them. The animals outside are the person's cat and dog, who have come to rescue them. They are looking worried because the castle is "hontid".

Got a call this afternoon from school to say that Orla was complaining of a sore ear. Luckily I was working from home, so I phoned the GP and they were able to fit her in, so I picked her up and of we went. Turns out she has quite a nasty infection in both ears so she has a course of antibiotics. She has been very brave in taking it so far, bribed with chocolate and banana bread.

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