
By gquandel

Lily of the Valley

Lilly Rose Morgan is the youngest of our three dogs. She is half yellow lab and half golden retriever. Lily is three years old. I trained Lilly to sit, stay, roll, come and fetch. However, Lily has some tricks she taught herself. She is a master in the art of couch chewing. As a puppy, she managed to destroy a whole couch, within 15 minutes. Lily is also a world champion in self-deception. What do I mean by this? I mean that Lily has herself convinced that she is as small as my miniature beagle Princess. Because Lily believes this, she also believes she can jump up on your lap. Seriously, she will jump up onto your lap completely and curl up in a ball. Another element that Lily has to a science is story telling. She will cry and whine at whomever is petting her in an attempt to receive even more attention. My favorite thing about Lily is that she chases and pounces on lasers, like a cat! Lily will spend hours pouncing on, pawing at, and barking at lasers that are pointed on or near her. She goes crazy as if she were a kitten! Overall, Lily is a sweet, loving, harmless dog and is a true sweetheart.

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