Waldorf and Statler

It all started here

Waldorf.. What is it Statler?
Statler.....It's a message left on a wall in Egypt. It's from a noble lady professor, who teaches in a nearby university.
Waldorf.. What does it say?
Statler?....She talks of a lowlife Scottish git who works beneath her. Apparently he does not recognize her greatness.
Waldorf....What else does it say Statler?
Statler.......She calls him a bo.
Waldorf...I know Statler. Scottish it has to be bonnie
Statler....No waldorf. Its bo alright but the next two letter are the one that goes before m in the alphabet.
Statler......Correct Waldorf and a large cart pulling animal goes at the end of it.
Waldorf....That poor lady, Statler, that poor esteemed lady. What else does she say about him?
Statler.....This is a family site Waldorf, I can't say the rest.
Waldorf....Just give me the first two letters Statler
Statler......I'll whisper it to you Waldorf.

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