Cairo Dining

An extremely quiet day at the start of Dd's weekend. She enjoyed a modest lie in, as I dictated some session notes from earlier in the week; thank goodness for voice recognition in Apple Mac machines which has transformed my working life efficiency.

However, I have to say that my first professional career as a lawyer saw me endlessly dictating into my hand held tape machine for my secretary to later transcribe. Sometimes there were 13 piles of files on the floor with a mini-cassette on the top of each one....and oh, the torment when one of them broke or was wiped clean by mistake and I had to start all over again!

Still, I built up a skill which has returned to serve me today, namely, the capability to dictate detailed and complex arguments covering sometimes five or more pages, all on the screen of my mind. I did it so well and the act filled such a high proportion of my working life that once when renewing my passport I nearly put 'Dictator' under occupation!

Maybe that's why I enjoy being in Egypt so much.

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