Touching . . .

I loved the way the curl at the end of the arum lily flower is touching the leaf beneath and the lines of the flower, stalks and leaves. I was having a play around with a x2 teleconverter on my long lens today - as you'll see by the metadata!
(PS - metadata should have shown that it was taken at 800mm!)

BLIPMEET - I posted this at the beginning of October and will post it again.

If anyone's interested in coming to a Christmas Blipmeet in Christchurch NZ this year, please come along to the The Tannery/Brewery in Woolston, on Sunday 14th December at 2pm. it would be helpful if you could let me know if you're coming, or if you're thinking of coming. It was thoroughly enjoyable for 16 of us last year; just super getting in touch with so many blippers all at once.

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