Golden leaf

November Theme Challenge Day 2 : Sunday Seasons (an image related to the current season wherever you are in the world)

Sundays really shouldn't start as early as today did, but both my beautiful fiancée and I were booked in for eye tests in town just after 9. The dogs enjoyed their early morning scamper around on the hill and came home suitably hot, wet and dirty.
HV and I trundled in to town in the van, both of us had to work after the eye test. I went and fixed a loo then came home and took the woofers out again. They got even more dirty and even wetter and thoroughly enjoyed thrashing around in the undergrowth.
This golden leaf has been left clinging to the branch, but the next bit of wind we get will likely set it free.
Off out for curry this evening with Mumpy and Pawpee. It should be good.

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