
Yap…This is what Polar bears do. They wait until the sun is in the right place and lay down at right angles to get the best warming effect.
Famous moment this morning as I had my first swim of the “summer”.
That’s today when The Silly old sheep (wether) on The Boss’s fruitphone said
“Few Showers Hail possible and cold Southerlies”
The Boss says that it’s a good thing it is a free App but then again it did rain a tad late this afternoon. BUT bark to the subject, it was such a great morning that The Boss decided I should not just stand in the lake asyoudo so picked up a good looking stick and “Biffed” it into the lake and the rest was (slightly reluctant but got there in the end) history.
So The Boss went to the Supermarket this arfo and was startled into unusually good behaviour with a lovely check out lady with a name tag that said…..”Biff”.
The Boss is a bit notorious with check out ladies especially when they are smaller than him but Tiny T, who was there, said that this one had him puzzled and he even held his loyalty card under the scanner without being asked twice.
Of course you all knew that it was short for Elizabeth… Elizabith…Biff…Right.
At the end she asked him if he was having a good day and of course he said
“Biffatarious” which certainly stopped the action for a bit while everyone laughed. It’s a good thing my grub does NOT come from the Supermarket.
Oh…And todays pic…The Polar Bears are right.
Bigger Biff?

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