twinned with trumpton


Busy busy....

Prep, then out hurriedly for a 1000 Leaf visit; followed by a slightly more meandering route to the House of Muir, via Trinity, Pharmacy, bike shop and Cigs search.

Final one was with trepidation - terminally ill man; never too sure what you might find...! But all good, and this colourful blip presented itself.

Home for lunch to a Goldilocks moment (Who's been eating my porridge? - not that bit, further on in the story...)

Leek and potato soup; tasty!

Then plodded thru the admin, couple of phone calls and wrote a shopping list. Out later to purchase supplies and wrap the laddie's present for tomorrow.

Slightly deflated at the interview falling through, but.... hopefully it gives me a kick up the rear end to get on with things.

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