Health & Safety??!!

Today I went for a walk on a beach where the storms have eroded the ‘sandy’ cliffs & dunes. On the way to the beach we saw bits of the cliff that had been fenced off and signs that said, ‘Keep to the footpaths’.

Ann says that ‘fenced off bits’ and signs that say ‘Keep to the footpaths’ mean that the bits near the cliff edge are dangerous and could collapse at any time. You wouldn’t believe the number of stupid holiday makers who ignore these warnings and blatantly go walking in places where they shouldn’t???!!!

I’m a gorgeous little collie dog so I haven’t a clue about health & safety rules…………. So when I saw a little black spaniel (with his two owners) having a sniff around on the dunes, I decided I’d go and join him.

Ann went mad. She said, ‘Molly, come here. We’re having our walk on the beach’.

I just ignored Ann because the dunes had loads of lovely smells, and I could still see where she was. However, the further I walked along the dunes, the higher the cliffs got and the more angry Ann got………………….. Until eventually the cliffs were about 30 feet above the beach, and I had to keep running inland because a lot of the cliffs had eroded.

That meant Ann couldn’t see where I was. I could hear her calling me and I knew by the tone of her voice that she was really worried. So I kept poking my head over the cliff top so that she could see where I was. That just made her even more worried ‘cos she thought the cliffs might give way at any moment.

However, I’m a very clever little collie and eventually I sussed out, via Ann’s hand signals, that I had to retrace my steps and get off the cliffs the same way that I’d got on them.

So that is what I did………………….

……………..And then I went zooming down into the sea for a bit of a wallow!!!!!

…………….And the whole afternoon has been so stressful for Ann, that she’s having to have a glass of wine to recover. Lol!

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