Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

A Stellar Combination: #YSAwards2015

Take a good look - for these are (just some) of the most inspirational and talented young people across Scotland.

An amazing night launching the Sunday Mail Young Scot Awards for 2015 at Edinburgh Castle with the First Minister Alex Salmond.

This will be our 10th year of the Awards, and it was a total joy to have winners from every year since launch. I must admit to getting a lump in my throat when I stood on stage, looked out and saw so many familiar faces from across the years - every single one of them a credit to Scotland.

Individually and collectively they have all achieved so much and it was humbling and moving to hear about what they have gone on to to since winning their respective Awards.

Huge thanks as ever to our partners Sunday Mail and to the FM and his wonderful staff team for helping to make it such a memorable and joyful event - most importantly for all the young people there.

The truth about youth indeed - check out #YSAwards2015 for all the info!

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