
By EmilyRose7

My sister, Courtney or Coco as I called her when I was little, is turning 32 on November 3rd but we had one of the two small family bday parties for her this weekend. I was in charge of the cake and because I am the most awesome of all awesome younger sisters ever, I took he opportunity to not only show her how much I care for her, but to remind her she is getting "old."

I am the younger sister. It is only her and I aa far as siblings go and I've been lucky that we have always weirdly gotten along and been cool with one another. She is 3 years older then me, but we barely fought as kids or ever and now as adults we still get along freakishly well.

However. Despite that! I am the younger sister and I take my role as younger sister very seriously. As in... I torture her as it strongly believe all younger siblings should do to their older siblings. It's my most important responsibility as a younger sibling and j have AlWAYS done my job very well.

The most commonly told memories from my mom, sister and dad (he ones that always witnessed it) are those of when I would secretly lick whatever candy or food my sister asked to try or have a piece of that was mine. Mostly. When's father, sister and I would go to the movies as kids, my dad always let us pick some sort of treat for the movie. My sister and I would usually still be eating it sugary treats in the car and from the front seat with my dad, she would kindly ask to have a piece of my treat and she would give me one of hers. A kind and delightful trade, she suggested. These were my moments to really show her I cared for her back and appreciated her kindness by being the best little sister I could.

So I would lick the candy and the give it to her. She would eat it. I would laugh. She asked why I was laughing. I would tell her. She was scream, " gross!" Tell some more. My dad would laugh now. And I never stopped laughing. This happened lol the time. Every time .

Eventually she caught on and stopped trusting me so like all good younger sisters I would regain her trust by licking it. Then blowing on it so it didn't look like it had been locked and then giggled softly and not tell her I did. However, eventually I caved and told her j never stopped and she freaked out.

It was awesome! I'm just that great of a sister.

I have stood licking her food, but find other ways to show my younger sister love... Like putting that she is 47 on her birthday cake for her 32nd birthday!

Time has only new me cooler and more willing to strive for only the best for my sister!

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