
By haddock

High on the Hog

After yesterday's long drive to Bahia Honda and Key West, today was a nice relaxed day.

Woke up at 6am and noticed the trees had stopped thrashing. Popped out onto the dock to look and the water was calm and clear for the first time in a few days. Thought I'd have a few casts with a lure but got hooked up on a rock, so hopped in the kayak and paddled out to free it. That done it seemed a shame not to go for an explore...

A mile or so later I was creeping along the shadows of the mangroves having a few speculative casts and listening to the early morning birds. No fish until I got to a wide channel where a small barracuda hung itself on the hook and spent a few minutes gnashing its fangs in the kayak.

Carried on trolling a lure towards the flats and a crevalle jack jumped on the line. After which I got out from behind the shelter of the mangroves and realised the wind had got up. Time to run for home.

After that we had a lazy morning, another nice lunch at the midway cafe and then picked up some shrimps and whiled away the afternoon fishing from the dock, the highlight of which was this crazy looking Hog Snapper which almost pulled the rod in!

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