Texann Times

By Texann

In a flap

Our day started with the window cleaners coming to enable us to see out again. Our windows had been so bad that I took a photo of the actually-visible sky through the cleaned ones, in case I was in need of a picture to blip later.

I had a chiropractor appointment in the afternoon for my muscle-spasming lower back – not sure it helped this time unfortunately. My doctor’s office is near Hooks Airport (a tiny local airport; the scene of previous blips of nutria and ducks around the airport’s lake), so Leejohnaire and I took our cameras along and popped in there for a few minutes on our way home. There are some storms heading in tomorrow and the clouds had already filled the sky, making it grey and flat.

While L was trying to stalk some nutria, he kindly set off a flock of Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks. They normally don’t go far but this lot headed straight upwards (well, as straight upwards as any duck can) into the sky and created this view of birds in various states of flap. I loved the pattern it created and particularly like the three towards the left that seem to be nicely interlocked in some sort of formation.

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