Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17


Oh this isn't a great shot - it had potential to be - I really must practice my nighttime photography! After a very busy day I rushed to the book club meet at Saltaire hoping I might spot a potential blip on the way. I passed this fire in a little derelict area at the end of a row of terraces, the elfs wouldn't have liked it I'm sure and I much preferred the cosy fire in the pub! An enjoyable evening as always, joined this time by the very lovely fizzerella. We all agreed that 'The Ruby Slippers' was a little disappointing but lots to talk about. This month's read is The Sunrise by Victoria Hislop.
A 3 mins train journey home turned into a wee bit scary, long, dark, lonely, hour long smoky walk, a bus ride and another walk, due to another suicide on the track and trains not running…. arghhh - cold, tired, smokey and glad to be home!

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