My Best Efforts - Year 3


Is This Annis' Shadow?.......

....................No - it's NOT! - though you might be forgiven for thinking it was! - though Shadow is much lighter around the muzzle. This is Rudi - meaning brave wolf - and we met this morning down by the water a little further downstream from our village beck (stream).

A beautiful dog, friendly and nearly as handsome a Shadow though not quite! He too is a Rescue Dog and is 8yrs old - his owner has had him since he was 18 months old. He. also like Shadow, didn't know how to play at first but. after a few months, got into all sorts of mischief!

He and his owner don't live in the village so the chances of Shadow and Rudi ever meeting is pretty remote I should think - bit of a shame perhaps.

There is a full moon tonight - so my BOUI for today - (Bits Of Useless Information) are about this subject :-

1) People once believed the moon was made of silver, so they would jingle the change in their pockets and ask the moon to bring them wealth.

2) To get rid of a wart, blow on it nine times while the Moon is full.

3) If you marry during the Full Moon, you will have good luck and good fortune.

4) For both the colonists and the Algonquin tribes, this was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. This full Moon was also called the Frost Moon.

It looks like being another fine day - blue sky - fluffy white clouds - but the temperature at 9.50am is only 35 Deg.F. - brrr!

Have a great day and I'm hoping that neither Shadow nor Rudi start howling tonight!

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