'My Little Pony'

Bella has been obsesively brushing and plaiting her favourite 'My Little Pony's' hair today. Yesterday when I picked her up from school her friend Akaysha had a book about her which they shared in the playground whilst we waited for Dylan to finish senior choir.

She made sure that I had it in the car today for when school pick up came around so that her and Akaysha could play with her after school which they did while Akaysha's mum read the book to them.

Dylan had his friend Luca over for a play date after school tonight too. They are just happy sitting together playing games and discussing strategies.

Picked up my car today as as suspected it needed a new radiator hose and thermostat fitted. Lucky they had it done as we are heading off down to Wilson's Prom in the morning for 5 nights of camping at Tidal River. I have pulled all our our camping gear out of the shed today and have it sitting on the deck ready to pack into the car in the morning.

Really looking forward to some family and nature time.

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