
By extraordinary

New Light

(This site is a great for journaling. I'm loving it here).

So I had quite the busy day! I was sick yesterday, so I missed school. Bad idea. I had a British Literature test that I missed. So lucky me, I got to take it today, along with my advanced placement American government unit test. Lovely.

Along with some vocab quizzes, making "babies" in biology II, new Spanish lesson, psychology lesson, new trig section, and cramming food and last minute knowledge in me at lunch...I'm exhausted.

After school I went to the library, were I learned that my sisters accomplished a a pretty high fine of 43 dollars. On my card.

The joys of sisterhood.

Then I went to my work to get my schedule for the week, went to pick up my taxes. Afterwards I went to the chapel to pray. And to take today's picture.
I edited it a bit. By accident. My shadowing on my lame computer went a little overboard...
I like it though.

I just got back on a walk with my two younger sisters. Forty degree weather is nice. We went out without jackets. Pretty sad that we believe this weather is warm.

Confession: I drove everywhere today with my windows down.

Now should I do all of my homework tonight? Or go party it up at my friends?

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