Barbican light

Beautiful sunny morning today. I love the way an obsession with photography also seems to lend itself to an obsession with light - days like this are such a treat and you see everything in quite literally a new light. New opportunities open up where you wouldn't consider taking a photo on a duller day. Glad I extended my walk slightly along the Barbican highwalk today - or I'd have missed this beautiful reflected light on the Barbican conservatory.

Busy busy day at work. I'm starting to feel a bit more energised now though - actually quite enjoying the challenge rather than feeling crushed by the enormity of it! Nice to be working as part of a team again, instead of feeling like I'm trying to do everything on my own. Stayed for an extra hour this evening, but actually got something ticked off my to-do list, so it was well worth it.

Spoke to my Mum this evening - she's still feeling unwell, unfortunately, although my sister said she had a bit more colour in her face today, at least. I popped her a little treat in the post today, so hope it turns up tomorrow and cheers her up a bit :)

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