Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

The Couch!

OK, so it's not really a couch. These are, however, the chairs that I get to sit on when I go to see the psychiatrist. These particular ones are in the waiting area, but they're the same throughout the building.

I had to wait on my own for my appointment because there was a problem with the Wonderspouse's bus. There was a mad woman in the waiting room who kept talking at me about caffeine. The problem, of course, is that people who see psychiatrists tend to be a bit mad, so you never know who you'll end up meeting. The mad caffeine woman had to contend with somebody who kept taking photographs of the chairs!!!

Fortunately her shrink took her away and I was left to tweet briefly from the phone until my shrink showed up to get me. I then totally ignored my shrink while I waited for my tweet to send on the 3G, before then heading for my appointment and trying to sound convincing when I said that I didn't ONLY have a life online but also lived in the "real world" sometimes!

Of course I live in the real world - this is why I see this picture as an ornate couch, with deep red velvet and a black brocade trim. Although it may seem to an outsider that I spend my time at the shrink's sitting on a plain blue chair talking about quetiapine dosages, panic attacks, and how my CPN can help me with my return to work plan, in reality I'm lying on a couch, recounting extravagant dreams to a man in a beard, occasionally mentioning my fits of hysteria, and discussing my extreme case of penis envy!

It's much more fun that way!

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