BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles

Its too cold and wet.... be sleeping rough.

With wise words from someone here on Blip, I felt encouraged to go out and take some street photography images after the sun has set. My issue is my big DSLR making people uncomfortable in the dark especially if I were to use a tripod. I also feel quite nervous with expensive gear out in back streets and alleyways. I need to get a nifty little manual camera for this (I want a variant of the x100/s/t).

It was a cold and very wet evening but I thought this could add to the ambiance. While walking into town I was offered a Big Issue (a magazine sold by the homeless for those who don't know) from my Blip subject. I don't give very often on the street as I prefer to give to charities as I know where the money is going, often more wisely spent than some street people would.

I paid for the magazine this time as he was so friendly and wanted to chat, he was concerned where he was going to sleep tonight as everywhere was so wet.

It's encounters like this that make me realise how lucky I am. A boring week at work, bad traffic and so many other trivial little things pale insignificant.

So glad I got out in the cold and rain to appreciate the warmth later on.

Sometimes you have to crank up the ISO and go just go for it!

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Mr Bo Hingley

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