
By captainbob


Off to catch the ferry to Stornoway at the crack of sparrow fart ... no kidding, 4.00!... to price up a repair to the new pilot boat for Stornoway Port Authority. I did have some nice foties of leaving Ullapool but couldn't believe it when I get to the hotel and there was the said boat framed in the window! If only I had remembered the binoculars I could have stayed in the room with a drink! Nice boat but raher chequered history in its brief career with the SPA. Didn't meet the rigorous requirements for a pilot boat and we tendered for the extensive mofications and equipment upgrades. The day after our painstakingly detailed estimate arrived, she sank at her mooring! The cost of the (insurance) flooding repairs plus the modifications will be more than a replacement boat! Big stushie about it in the island and had to hide from bbc alba who turned up to do a piece while I was there!!

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