Oh brother!

Mr A was working today so I had a day to myself.

This morning was spent cleaning and dismantling the fish tank; I've decided to put it on eBay as I don't want any more fish or frogs.

Once that was done, I went up to my sisters for a bit. Theo was on form today, his latest phrase is 'uh-oh'.
Everything went on the floor, followed by 'uh-oh'!

My sister told me he's going to be a big brother! She only just found out , so it's really early days yet. Ideally, she would have waited a little longer, until Theo was a bit older, but it took a while to conceive him (with a few unhappy attempts), so she's just going with the flow and we are all delighted. Maybe not so much Theo as he will have to share the limelight!

We had a laugh about whether the new baby would be as naughty as Theo....personally, as much as I love him, I think he can only be topped by the antichrist!

They are now having to think about moving house too, as their current place will be too small for 4 of them.
Their dream home is the house next door to us!!!

This isn't currently up for sale, but the lady isn't doing well health wise (she had a stroke earlier this year and it's been downhill from there) so she may well consider selling again (she took it off the market when she was taken ill).

I've been asked to put the feelers out about whether she might sell, but it's a rather awkward thing to discuss when she's in such poor health. That said, it may just be the answer to her prayers. I don't know what to do for the best :-(

From my sisters, I went to see my Mum. We had a good natter and have fixed a date to visit the Christmas markets in Manchester. This is the highlight of the year for Mum; she loves it.

I was back just in time to prepare dinner (meatballs & pasta with a homemade tomato & basil sauce) before Mr A arrived home.

Tonight is a cosy night in. The wine is in the fridge and the candles & fire are lit. Ace :-)

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