Tangled up in blue

It’s been a long day.  At 8.00 this morning I was in the queue (a queue at 8.00!) outside the local dump waiting to recycle some ‘bits of metal.’  That’s a generic term for stuff that is not going for landfill and might actually be of use somewhere.  

We’re finishing off Anniemay’s study.  While I’m at the dump, she’s busy with the polyfilla and a paintbrush.  We do all this, before breakfast.

Peter Kay once said that you can tell when you’re turning into your Dad when keep a piece of wood just for stirring paint….  I’m turning into my Dad.  Not only do I have a fine collection of pieces of wood, I have a box of wire, cable and connectors (various).  

I have some rewiring to do including sorting out the mess that is the broadband and phone cables.  I spend ages going through this box looking for a particular type of connector.  I take it all out and put it back in again; there’s a lot of head-scratching before it occurs to me that I’m looking for something that isn’t there. 

Perhaps this box is a metaphor for the human condition.  Are we all looking for something that isn’t there?  

But me, I'm still on the road
Headin' for another joint
We always did feel the same
We just saw it from a different point of view
Tangled up in blue

(Bob Dylan)

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