
By Nicky1

Fresh air

Had a busy wee day!
Started off with a walk/run/shuffle down and along to the beach, a beautiful morning! I love it when the weather is like this, cold, dry and sunny.
Ross played footie this morning winning 4-3, well done guys. This afternoon was spent looking for a new car. Scott's ideas of a new car and my idea of a new care are completely different, typical if us, the complete opposite of each other. Scott has his practical head on looking for the best deal, the best warranty bla bla bla... Me? Yes all if the above but I just don't want to like it I want to love it! I would love a Renault Captur , Scott would like a Hyundai I 30, he keeps on telling me it's my choice, it will be my car. Watch this space to see which car I get.
Friends down tonight with there kids, Juicy Lucy is one mental crazy kid - good fun!

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