
The wind was wild and the sea was furious yesterday in Brighton. The waves were crashing in and splashing up through the gaps in the wooden planks on the pier. I tucked all my hair into my bobble hat, I probably looked like a walking teapot with round head and tea cosy, but didn't give a hoot as it kept me very warm when I walked from Brighton to the Marina and back! The waves were crashing over the top of the Marina too, which was exciting to watch them woosh up and spray over the side! I saw that there was an undercliff walk from the Marina walking under the white chalk cliffs and leads to Saltdean which is 5km away. It wasn't the most sensible day to walk along there though, so decided against it...I might have been swept away with the fishies to France! I'll definitely go back and do that on a calmer, sunny day though.

I finished off my day with a very delicious Praline Cappuccino, sitting outside Costa in the North Lanes...highly recommended!

Thank you SO much for your very kind comments, stars and favourites, putting my giant moon shot in the Spotlight yesterday! I was very happy indeed (and blushing too!)

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