
By tpd


A slowish Sunday start with the traditional pancakes* and then off to church for remembrance Sunday. Absolutely packed, lots of scouts of all ages and colour parties from beavers, cubs, brownies and scouts.

+1/3 is very much in an anti-religion phase at the moment so getting him to church at all was a success. He appears to be at a stage where he doesn't have a faith (and we're not religious and have made it clear that if the +3s feel the need to join a religion then of course they can but it has to be their choice, not our choices applied to their lives) and so finds the dogma and ceremony of church rather uncomfortable. Fair enough.

Having said all of that, it's important to remember all those who have suffered as a result of war irrespective of their nationality or beliefs.

It always makes me think of the interment of the Unknown Warrior:

The guests of honour were a group of about one hundred women. They had been chosen because they had each lost their husband and all their sons in the war. "Every woman so bereft who applied for a place got it"

Back for an early lunch then a potter about (including taking a photo of whatever this is in the garden - largish bush/tree with large lobed leaves and a strong preference for five-fold symmetry) while +3/3 had a nap, some guitar playing and then off to the cinema with +1/3, just the two of us. TMNT: surprisingly good (all things considered)

Better large to see some tiny droplets.

* with some added raisins and chia seeds

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