
By PixelChristi

Forth / tug

After a fairly awful, tummy bug ridden weekend ( not me, yet, but the rest of the family ), I seized with both hands, the opportunity to get out this morning. Cabin fever was imminent.

It was cold, and misty, and the light was beautiful. Pretty much the minute I arrived at the coastal path, I was presented with about a dozen Colin Baxteresque options. I normally resist those, but the Edinburgh skyline was pretty stunning from across the water in Dalgety Bay. So I gave in. Just this once you understand.

So far all my blips since returning have been processed purely on my new iPad with Lightroom Mobile, Pixelmator and Snapseed. These are great tools for quick knock ups. LR mobile was a revelation in terms of being able to rate my images from the sofa, cutting out the also rans quickly and comfortably, but I'm not convinced the quality is there yet, in terms of the iPad replacing my desktop editing suite. Also, it's making me lazy. I can see an imminent return to hunching over my PC.

The odd thing is, that the thing I'm enjoying the most about returning to blip is the writing, closely followed by the photography, obviously. I'm immensely enjoying reading everyone's musings. That true symbiosis of words and pictures is surprisingly rare on the web.

Edit: I've changed the image to another very similar one taken a couple of minutes later. The original bugged me for some reason.

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