
Which was a surprise given that it had been misty for a good part of the day. What wasn't a surprise was another Monday with IT problems. An extended call to the IT boffins ended at 9:30 with him promising to call back in 10 minutes. He called back at 12:35. Apparently he had other things to why say you will call back at 9:40?? As someone who used to work in IT and managed a sizeable contract I really don't know how some companies get away with the repeated errors and malfunctions we have to experience. We would have been dragged over the coals and our contract terminated for sure!

Ooh and I have come over all grumpy and ranty - how did that happen?

Monday almost done ( I won't mention the car and its dashboard for fear of another rant coming on, suffice to say it is hard to drive home with no info to guide you and an incessant beeping from all directions. Thank goodness for Mr Lif and his trusty screwdriver!) Time to put the feet up. Hope Monday has been kind to you too :)

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